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Competent Crew/Day Skipper
From Monday 10 July 2017
To Friday 14 July 2017
Hits : 400
by Aoifeq

Competent Crew

RYA Competent Crew is the basic RYA introductory sailing course for both the complete beginner and those who have some experience of either dinghy sailing or cruising. The RYA Competent Crew course can be completed by attending either five days or over weekends. The Competent Crew course is planned to give you as much fun and enjoyment as possible. While you learn to sail you will be taught about safety at sea and will be given lots of competent crewing opportunities. Master the RYA Competent Crew skills of steering, changing sails, reefing and tying the essential knots. Living onboard throughout the RYA Competent Crew course, each night is spent in new place, allowing you to savour the delights of a real cruising experience.

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Day Skipper

After completing the day skipper theory course you will put into practice all that you have learned in the classroom when each person is given the opportunity to navigate and take control of the yacht on short coastal passages. Your instructor is there to ensure that your first, perhaps hesitant steps as skipper are taken in safety. You will be given the opportunity to practice your boat handling in a variety of mooring situations, and whilst at sea your instructor will cover subjects such as watch keeping, deck work, sail trim and how to cope in emergency situations.

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Location Bow Waves
Duration: 5 Days (4 nights) OR 3 Weekends
Cost: €695-795